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 Leading at the One-level by Matthias Huberschwiller

In this quiz, you will be leading against one-level contracts.

Will you find the right lead?

Good luck!

Question 1

  Your Hand
 K 9 6 2
 Q 9 6 2
 A 9 6 2
Q: 1 - What do you lead as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2 - A trump lead would be too dangerous, picking up partner's trump holding for declarer.

Underlead the weakest honor you have in the side-suits.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 K 7 6 3
 A Q 6 2
 6 2
 K J 7
Q: 2 - What do you lead as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2 - Your partner has passed the double. He has long and solid Diamonds. How should you play?

You have the majority of the points, and the Diamonds. You need to play as if you were declarer. And what would declarer do? Draw trumps. Therefore, lead a trump, to prevent East from making his low Diamonds with ruffs.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 K J 9 2
 8 7 6
 A 9 6 2
 6 2
Q: 3 - What do you lead as South?
---1 NT

 Your choice:
A: 8 - If you had this hand against 1NT-3NT, you would lead a Spade to try and set up your suit.

However, against 1NT, you will have time to set up your tricks. Don't risk giving away a trick on the lead. Make the passive 'top of nothing' lead in Hearts.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 J 6
 A 6 3 2
 9 8 7
 K 7 6 2
Q: 4 - What do you lead as South?
-1Pass1 NT

 Your choice:
A: 9 - Ace-fourth makes for a really bad lead, and I bet you didn't even think of a Spade lead when your partner couldn't overcall 1. But what about the Clubs?

East does not have a Diamond fit, nor a four-card major. His long suit rates to be Clubs. Therefore, lead a Diamond, dummy's suit. West might have only three of them, and at any rate, you won't be giving away a trick.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 A 6 2
 Q 10 6 2
 J 6
 A J 9 6
Q: 5 - What do you lead as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2 - You have a lot of Clubs behind declarer's holding. He might want to ruff his Club losers in dummy. What can you do to prevent this?

Lead a small trump and, when you get back on lead, continue with the A and a Spade.

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Open Question

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