Enlightening Lightner Doubles
Lightner doubles are tricky things. It’s difficult to know when to employ one, but at times it’s even more difficult for the opening leader to find the right suit.
They can be recognised by their unusual status. A Double of a high-level contract on which partner has done little or no bidding at all usually suggests that you make an unusual lead, for he can’t have the contract beaten on pure power else he would have bid earlier on. Also, Doubles of freely bid slams are usually Lightner-type.
When partner makes one of these Doubles, the one suit you can usually forget about leading is the suit you would naturally lead, for partner wouldn’t have bothered Doubling if he thought you would get off to the right start regardless. After all, the aim of partner’s Double isn’t to take them for a big penalty, but to guide you towards the best opening lead, for partner thinks that the success or failure of the contract hinges on your action.
As South on these five hands try and keep your partner happy by finding the lead they want you to find against these Doubled contracts.