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 How is your low-level competitive bidding? by Bobby Wolff

How is your low-level competitive bidding?

What would you answer to these five questions?

See how you fare!

Question 1

  Your Hand
 5 2
 7 6 5 2
 Q 7 6 4
 6 4 2
Q: 1 - What do you answer as South?

 Your choice:
A: 1: Normally, one responds in a major when partner opens a minor, but with a hand this weak, the last thing you want to do is to encourage your partner to soar to the stratosphere. So respond one diamond to try to slow partner down; he should be less likely to jump in support of a minor than a major. This same argument might work no matter what the level of the opening club bid.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 J 10 6 4
 10 7 5 2
 10 9 8 2
Q: 2 - What do you bid next as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2: After your initial pass, your partner will assume that you have fewer than 6 high-card points. But do you have enough to compete to two spades now? I say yes, but I'd understand anyone who would pass, feeling that the singleton club, combined with holding only four trumps, argues for defending, not declaring.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 10 2
 Q 10 9
 A Q 10 8 4
 9 7 5
Q: 3 - What is your call as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2: You seem to have just enough to balance with two diamonds. Since you did not act directly at your first turn, there has to be a limit to your suit and high cards. You could also make a case for a call of two spades, but I'd prefer a slightly better doubleton. Also, the suggested sequence might help partner judge what to lead and whether to compete further.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K 10 6
 9 8 5
 K Q 10 6 5 4
Q: 4 - What do you bid next as South?

 Your choice:
A: 3: Your partner's call suggests extras in high cards or playing strength, and you certainly have something in hand for your first call. It seems logical to advance with a bid of three spades. You might be able to make game in diamonds, spades or no-trump; let partner know where you live.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 9 6
 J 10 9
 J 10
 J 7 5 3 2
Q: 5 - What is your next call as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT: Some people play Equal Level Conversion, meaning that correcting two clubs to two diamonds here does not show any extra values. I'm not a fan of that approach, so I can bid two no-trump without feeling I'm stepping too far out of line. My diamond builders are working overtime, so I have enough to invite game, even though I still don't have a great hand.

Your result so far:
Open Question

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