Vu-Bridge | Play like a Champion!

Opener's rebid after a 1NT response by Paul Bowyer

In the last edition of V-Blue we looked at the 1NT response and opener's rebid. We are going to explore this in more depth. Remember that a 1NT response shows 6-9 points and (in theory) a balanced hand, although it becomes something of a catchall response on many responding hands. Often responder has to reply 1NT to an opening bid as there is nothing more suitable - a two-level response promises upwards of 10 points and so there are many hands that are stored in the cupboard labelled "1NT". How, then, should opener bid after partner has responded 1NT?
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Question 1

 A Q 10
 A J 9 7 3
 Q 7 5
 J 10
Q: 1 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Always perform the task of adding what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced. Here you have 14 points and partner has 6-9, making a partnership total of 20-23. That rules out the possibility of game in any strain and you must simply play in the best part-score. Bearing in mind the maxim that "the best place to play an indifferent hand is 1NT" you should let sleeping dogs lie and Pass. 2 would be a mistake as partner could conceivably have but a singleton.

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Question 2

 A Q 10
 A J 9 7 3
 Q 7 5
 A 10
Q: 2 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT. Adding up your points to partner's you can see a total of 23-26 so game, while not certain, is still a possibility. By passing the buck with 2NT you allow partner to make the decision. With a maximum for 1NT (8 or 9 points) North should bid game.

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Question 3

 A Q 10
 A J 9 7 3
 A 7 5
 A 10
Q: 3 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. Adding up your points to partner's you can see a total of 25-28 so you must take a pot at game. With an essentially balanced hand 3NT is most likely spot so you must bid it. True, partner might not have a classic shape for his bid but that simply can't be helped. Indeed, if it turns out that he has a long suit over there it may actually be helpful as a source of tricks.

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Question 4

 10 8 5
 A 5
 A K Q 10 6 4
 A 7
Q: 4 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. This is a slightly tricky question as the point-count may have misled you. True, you only have 17 points (and therefore 23-26 between you). You are, though, providing partner with what looks like eight tricks (the Diamonds are very likely to run for six tricks - partner is unlikely to have fewer than two). So all partner needs is one miserable trick and we have game... 3NT must be worth a shot.

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Question 5

 A K 5
 K Q J 10 9 8
 Q 9 3
Q: 5 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 4. With 19 points and a magnificent suit you have to have a go at game after partner has shown some life over there. Remember, even with a minimum 1NT response, your side has 25 points between the two hands so should play in a game somewhere. We wouldn't look beyond those Hearts when choosing a game contract. Note that 3 would not have been forcing. With a minimum partner could (and would) Pass.

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Question 6

 A K 5
 K Q J 10 9 8
 K 7 4
Q: 6 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 3. You have to try for game but cannot underwrite it. Best is the invitational bid of 3. Partner now knows you have a fine suit and will strain to bid 4 if he can. With a heap, though, he will duck out and Pass. If he does, 3 will probably be the right place to play.

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Question 7

 A Q 7 6 5
 4 2
 A Q 7 6 3
Q: 7 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Note that you (correctly) opened the bidding with the higher of your two five-card suits. Now that partner has responded 1NT you can bid 2 as it's a lower suit than Spades. If partner hates Diamonds he can put you back to Spades by giving preference. Such a bid is not encouraging.

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Question 8

 A Q J 10 6
 A 2
 A Q J 6 3
Q: 8 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed after a 1NT response?

 Your choice:
A: 3. This jump is forcing to game and is seeking the best place to play. You can't afford to rebid 2 as partner might Pass that and you could easily miss a game. With only a five-card suit you can't insist on Spades and, anyway, if you rebid 3 partner might Pass. You must show your second suit - partner might be in raptures about it.

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Question 9

 A 4 3
 A Q 7 6 4
 A Q 7 5
Q: 9 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed now?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Partner has shown no enthusiasm and is trying to duck out of the auction. He probably has a doubleton Heart and a heap of rubbish. Remember that the maximum your partnership could have is 25 points (if North were blessed with 9) and you might have no more than 22 between you. These hands with lots of holes in and no intermediate cards play very poorly in general.

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Question 10

 A Q 10 9 5
 A Q J 10 8
 K 10
Q: 10 - You are the opening bidder. Having opened the bidding how do you proceed now?

 Your choice:
A: 3. With the playing strength of your suits (the intermediate cards are important) you are just about worth a move towards game. Best is to bid 3, to show five of them. Partner now knows you started with 5-5 in the majors and a decent (but not overwhelming) hand. The ball in his court - he has the choice of Pass, 3, 4 and 4 - and you will happily abide by his decision.

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