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Responding to an opening bid by Paul Bowyer

The opening bid of one-of-a-suit is a very ill-defined bid. Basically speaking opening 1, 1, 1 or 1 shows roughly 12-19 points and that's about all the information you have. So the early rounds of the auction are a conversation between the opener and the responder, each trying to convey as much information as they can using the very limited vocabulary of the game.

Some of the "rules" for responder should be familiar to you - keep the bidding alive with 6 or more points but don't advance to the two-level without at least 10 points. We ought to say that keeping the bidding low is a sine qua non - the more bids you give partner the greater the chance he has of describing his hand.
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Question 1

 J 7 6 3
 8 5
 K Q 7 5
 10 4 2
Q: 1 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 1. You have enough to respond (6 points) and you should aim to make the cheapest bid. Here, that's 1, which is a lower bid than 1NT. You do not have anywhere near enough to raise the level of the auction to 2.

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Question 2

 9 7 6 3
 5 2
 K Q J 7 5
 Q 4
Q: 2 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 1. You have enough to respond (8 points) and you should aim to make the cheapest bid. Here, that's 1. You do not have enough to raise the level of the auction to 2. Don't worry about the poor quality of your Spades - the object of the exercise is to give partner another bid.

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Question 3

 A Q J 8 7 5
 K 9 7 4
 A J 3
Q: 3 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 1. Many players want to bid something more dramatic than 1 on this type of hand, arguing that a simple response only promises four Spades and 6 points. True - but there is no upper limit to a simple response. 1 - 1 is only the start of a conversation and there may be much to say before it is over. Were you to respond something like 2 or 3 (and many have been tempted, let us tell you!) then all you'd do is to remove many of partner's possible rebids. You must give opener room to breathe.

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Question 4

 A 7 6 3
 8 5
 K Q J 7 5
 10 2
Q: 4 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 1. This is marginal in that you have enough (10 points) to respond at the two-level. However, it often pays on hands like this to make the cheapest bid rather than the one that takes up the most space. If the bidding were to start 1 - 2 - 2 you would be well advised to Pass that (opener would be showing a minimum hand) and you may have missed a 4-4 Spade fit. However, if the bidding went 1 - 1 - 2 - Pass at least you'd be secure in the knowledge that you had no decent major-suit fit.

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Question 5

 A 7 6 3
 8 5
 K Q J 7 5
 A 2
Q: 5 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2. The difference between this hand and the last is that you are not going to Pass until game is reached. (A useful rule of thumb is that an opening bid facing an opening bid should play in game). If the bidding were to start 1 - 2 - 2 then you can follow with 2 and leave no avenue unexplored.

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Question 6

 8 5
 J 6 5 3
 K Q 7 5
 10 4 2
Q: 6 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 1NT. The famous (infamous?) "courtesy response" of 1NT, made on all poor hands where there is no alternative. 1NT shows 6-9 points and (hopefully) a balanced hand. This hand is an interloper from a previous quiz,

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Question 7

 8 5
 J 6 5 3
 A K Q 7 5
 10 4
Q: 7 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Now you are fractionally too good to respond 1NT and can bid your suit at the two-level. Partner will expect 10+ points and he won't be disappointed.

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Question 8

 8 5
 6 4 2
 A K Q 6
 Q 7 6 4
Q: 8 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2. It is customary to bid your suits "up-the-line" so 2 is a better call than 2 as it is cheaper. In these matters suit quality doesn't really matter; it's all a question of finding a trump fit.

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Question 9

 8 5
 A K J 8
 K 7 3
 7 6 5 3
Q: 9 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Pretty horrible but there isn't much choice. One point that is worth making here is that the sequence 1 - 2 pretty much guarantees a five-card suit. With only four Hearts here you can't risk bidding the suit so have to fall back on your other four-card "suit". Don't worry, though. You won't play in Clubs unless partner has four of them.

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Question 10

 8 5
 7 6 5 3 2
 A 8 2
 A K J
Q: 10 - You are responding to partner's opening bid. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Well, you have the values to bid at the two-level and you do have five Hearts. No one wants to bid a suit as tatty as 7 6 5 3 2 but that is what the Great dealer in the Sky has landed you with. In most cases in this game trump length is more important than strength. So if partner raises to 4 you should be confident of making it.

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