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Rebids with a balanced hand by Paul Bowyer

We know that opening 1NT shows 15-17 points. How, then, do we deal with hands that are balanced but either too weak or too strong to open 1NT?

The answer is simple enough. We open with a suit bid and then rebid in No-trumps. We bid them at a minimum level with a minimum hand to show 12-14 points and we jump a round of bidding to show a hand too strong (that is: 18-19 points).

So, f'rinstance, 1 - 1 - 1NT shows 12-14 points (and a balanced hand, naturally)
1 - 1 - 2NT would show 18-19 points.

Having made your rebid you have put your metaphorical cards on the table. You have made a LIMIT bid and now it's up to partner. He can Pass, bid game or do whatever best suits him (and his hand). The ball is firmly in his court.

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Question 1

 K 9 6
 A J 5
 Q 10 8 3
 K 10 2
Q: 1 - What bidding best describes this hand to partner?

 Your choice:
A: 1NT. You can't Pass 1 - that bid is forcing. (By opening the bidding you guarantee a rebid unless partner makes a limit bid). 1NT shows a balanced hand and 12-14 points. What happens next is up to partner.

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Question 2

 K 9 6
 A J 5
 Q 10 8 3
 K 10 2
Q: 2 - What bidding best describes this hand to partner?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT. You can't Pass 2 - that bid is forcing. 2NT (the lowest bid you can make in No-trumps) shows a minimum hand: 12-14 points. Again, what happens next is up to partner. He might Pass, he might bid a slam! We know nothing about his hand (other than he has 10+ points) but he knows a lot about ours.

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Question 3

 A 9 6
 A J 5
 K Q 10 3
 K Q 2
Q: 3 - What bidding best describes this hand to partner?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT. A jump in No-trumps shows a hand too strong to open 1NT. That has to be 18+ points but we put a ceiling of 19 points on it - hence we are showing 18-19 points. We have made a limit bid so the next move is up to North.

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Question 4

 A 9 6
 A J 5
 K Q 10 3
 K Q 2
Q: 4 - What bidding best describes this hand to partner?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. After a response at the two-level we should jump to 3NT to show our extra values. 2NT (remember Q2?) would show a minimum hand. We know of 29 points between the North-South hands (North has promised us 10+ points for his two-level response) so we have every reason to take a pot at game.

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Question 5

 A K 9 6
 A Q J 5
 K 10 4
 J 6
Q: 5 - What bidding best describes this hand to partner?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. You might want to bid a major here but should not be seduced into doing so. Partner could have bid 1 or 1 over 1 but chose not to - the inference being that he had no four-card major. A bid of 2 (or 2) from you would guarantee that your Diamonds were genuine - a suit of at least five cards. Best is to show a strong balanced hand by jumping to 3NT.

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Question 6

 K 9 6 5
 Q 8 5
 A J 3
 9 7 2
Q: 6 - Your partner has rebid in No-trumps. What is your best action now?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Add upp what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced. In this case his 12-14 added to your 10 comes to 22-24 points. You don't have enough for game so should just throw in the towel and Pass. 2NT would only put temptation in partner's path - with a maximum he would bid 3NT and that will surely fail.

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Question 7

 K 9 6 5
 Q 8 5
 A J 3
 A 9 2
Q: 7 - Your partner has rebid in No-trumps. What is your best action now?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. Add up what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced. In this case his 12-14 added to your 14 comes to 26-28 points. You have enough for game so should just bid it immediately. Bidding decisions don't come much more easy than this one.

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Question 8

 J 9 6 5
 Q 8 5
 A J 3
 A 9 2
Q: 8 - Your partner has rebid in No-trumps. What is your best action now?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT. Add up what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced. In this case his 12-14 added to your 12 comes to 24-26 points. You might have enough for game and might not. Your best effort is to pass the buck by bidding 2NT, leaving the decision to partner. With a maximum he will bid 3NT, with a minimum he will Pass.

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Question 9

 J 9 6 5
 K 8 5
 Q J 3
 10 9 2
Q: 9 - Your partner has rebid in No-trumps. What is your best action now?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. Add up what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced. In this case his 18-19 points added to your 7 comes to 25-26 points. This may be a close run thing (strong hands facing weak ones can prove to be a struggle) but you must bid game.

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Question 10

 J 10 9 7 6 5
 K 8 5
 K 10 9 2
Q: 10 - Your partner has rebid in No-trumps. What is your best action now?

 Your choice:
A: 4. First, add up what you can see to what partner has announced. In this case his 18-19 points added to your 7 comes to 25-26 points. So you are in the game zone. Now ask yourself "What game?" 3NT looks bizarre with your Diamond void but 4 should be playable. Remember - partner has a balanced hand so has at least two Spades. You have (at least) an eight-card Spade fit, therefore, so should be perfectly safe.

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