Vu-Bridge | Play like a Champion!

Raising Responder's Suit by Paul Bowyer

This quiz is all about opener's rebid after responder has bid opener's second suit. The simple question is how far should opener raise the suit?

A rule of thumb is that a minimum raise shows a minimum hand. With anything better than that you have to jump the bidding, either to a level below game (an invitational bid) or all the way to game.

Note that all raises of partner's suit are non-forcing. These examples will make it all clear, we think...
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Question 1

 A Q 7 6
 9 3
 A Q 9 6 3
 J 4
Q: 1 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 2. There aren't many easier questions than this one about. You have a known trump fit (at least eight Spades between you) and you must pass on the good news immediately. With a minimum hand (13 points) you make a minimum raise (from 1 to 2).

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Question 2

 A Q 7 6
 A 3
 A Q 9 6 3
 10 4
Q: 2 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. You are now too good to raise 1 to 2 - that would show a minimum opener. With 16 points you must be more dynamic. 4 would be an overbid (North has only promised 6 points, remember) so you should make the middle-of-the-road bid of 3. The ball is in partner's court. He might Pass, he might bid game. He might bid more...

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Question 3

 A Q J 6
 A 9
 A Q J 6 3
 J 10
Q: 3 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 4. With a full 19 points you know that your partnership has enough for game, even opposite a minimum response (19 + 6 = 25). Take the strain off partner by bidding game immediately.

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Question 4

 K J 10 7
 7 3
 A K Q 10 6 3
Q: 4 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. With magnificent Diamonds and glorious Spades you can't treat this as a minimum hand and bid a miserable 2. In fact, twist our arms a little and we'd bid 4. Man does not live by point-count alone!

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Question 5

 A J 9 6 5
 K 8
 Q 10 6 5
 Q 9
Q: 5 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. With a minimum hand, make a minimum raise. Now, here at VuBridge we have made many strictures about not bidding to the three-level without good reason but the three-level is perfectly safe when you have a fit. Here, your eight-card (probably nine-card) Diamond fit makes the task of raking in nine tricks relatively easy. What you NEVER want to do is venture to the three level on a misfit.

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Question 6

 A J 9 6 5
 K 8 5 2
 K 6
 A 4
Q: 6 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 4. Here we know of a decent Heart fit and 25 points between us. What are we waiting for? It's time to bid game and sit back as dummy.

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Question 7

 A J 9 6 5
 K 8 5
 K 6
 Q 9 4
Q: 7 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. 1 - 2 always guarantees five Hearts. For that reason you should support partner's suit immediately with a three-card holding. Again, a minimum raise shows a minimum hand

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Question 8

 A K Q 6 5
 A J 8
 J 6
 Q J 4
Q: 8 - You are the opening bidder. What is your rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 4. You have game values and a known eight-card Heart fit. No need to sit around, picking the daisies. It's time to bid game.

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Question 9

 K 3
 5 2
 Q 9 5 2
 A J 9 7 5
Q: 9 - You are the responder. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. North has a minimum hand and you have a minimum two-level response (10 points). How can you expect to make anything more than 3? 3NT would be excessive with this modest collection.

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Question 10

 A J 9
 5 2
 Q J 8
 A J 9 7 5
Q: 10 - You are the responder. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. North has a minimum hand but your 13 points swell the partnership total to game levels (surely you have 25 points between you?). With stoppers in the unbid suits you have the right hand for a pot at 3NT. As usual with a hand you should not contemplate bidding on in Clubs.

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