Vu-Bridge Quiz | Vu-Bridge === Play like a Champion!
Vu-Bridge | Play like a Champion!

Giving Preference by Paul Bowyer

This quiz looks at the idea of giving preference. We are looking at situations when responder, having made a reply, has to make a second bid. On many occasions responder has a weak hand and wants to kill the auction by putting opener back to his first bid suit. Of course, we have to distinguish these cases from those where responder has a decent hand and wants opener to continue bidding. One key principle of bidding is that you don't bid the same way on two very different types of hand.

Remember that opener is showing (usually) 5-4 in his suits when he bids two of them (True, the hand may complicate matters but it's a rare beast). Responder should bear in mind that opener's five-card suit is generally the best place to play.
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Question 1

 A 10 7 6
 Q 9 4
 7 6 3
 J 3 2
Q: 1 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 2. You have a heap (a near-minimum response) and partner's bidding doesn't suggest much of a hand. Passing 2 could be very wrong - it is your duty to stick partner back into his first bid suit. Probably partner will have five Diamonds and four Clubs (yes, he could be 5-5, of course, but he could be 6-4) and 2 will have more trumps than 2.

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Question 2

 A 10 7 6
 Q 9 4
 8 6
 10 8 3 2
Q: 2 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. You have another poor hand (a minimum 1 response) and partner's bidding suggests that he has a minimum to intermediate type hand. You have support for Clubs and minimal Diamonds so you can express your preference for Clubs by Passing 2. Game looks to be a distant prospect so raising to 3 is unnecessary.

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Question 3

 A 10 7 6
 J 9
 7 6
 Q 8 7 3 2
Q: 3 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Repulsive, but this falls into the "What else?" category. Partner has asked you to choose between Hearts and Diamonds. If you preferred Dimaonds you'd Pass but that could be a 4-2 fit. Giving preference does not imply liking for the suit; it is more of a case of "Stop the world, I want to get off". 2NT with a mere 7 points is out of the question.

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Question 4

 9 7 2
 Q 10 8 6 5 2
 A J 8
Q: 4 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Partner wants you to choose between Hearts and Spades. You loath both suits but Hearts is slightly less repulsive than Spades so you let the auction die there. You had to respond 1NT, of course, as you lack the values to bid 2. You can't afford to bid 3 now - partner may not have any. Attempting to improve the contract at the three-level may lead to disaster.

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Question 5

 3 2
 K Q
 10 8 5 2
 Q J 9 7 3
Q: 5 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Not nice but you have to put partner back into his first suit. It is not the quality that matters but the quantity. North is likely to be 5-4 in Spades and Hearts and Spades will play better than Hearts if that were the case. Passing 2 (risking playing in a 4-2 fit) could prove to be disastrous. 3 on a moth-eaten five-card suit is not to be contemplated.

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Question 6

 J 9 7 2
 K 10 4
 A J 9 5 2
Q: 6 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 3. If partner has opened with a minimum hand it is possible that 2 is the limit of the hand. However, at the other end of the scale, it is also possible that 4 has a chance so you should raise 2 to 3. Partner knows your upper limit for a 1NT response is 9 points so shouldn't expect any more than this.

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Question 7

 J 10 9 7 4 2
 A 10 4
 Q 6 4 3
Q: 7 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 4. You bid 1NT with a heavy heart, thinking that the hand was a horrible misfit. Now that you know of ten Hearts between the North-South hands you've just got to have a shot at game.

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Question 8

 A 10 7 6 2
 K J 9
 4 3
 Q J 8
Q: 8 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 3. 2 would show a heap of rubbish here, asking partner to stop bidding. While you might not have enough to bid game you certainly have enough to invite it. 3 is non-forcing (so partner can Pass with a minimum) and shows three trumps with (roughly) 10-11 points.

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Question 9

 A 10 7 6 2
 K J 9
 K 4
 Q J 8
Q: 9 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 4. You have to have a shot at game with these cards. You have 14 points and partner has opened the bidding - what more do you need? 3NT would be selfish given that partner has at least five Hearts.

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Question 10

 7 6 4
 Q 5 4
 Q J
 A Q 8 7 3
Q: 10 - What do you bid after the following auction as responder?

 Your choice:
A: 4. Partner has reversed here, showing 16+ points (and 4-5 in Spades and Hearts). Curiously, 3 would be a stronger bid than 4 at this point and would suggest better things than game. 4 is an attempt to shut down the auction (after all, you are minimum for a two-level-response and your high cards aren't really pulling their weight).

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