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Opening 1NT 12-14 by Paul Bowyer

Here we are going to ask you about opening the bidding with 1NT.
In ACOL or Standard English such an opeing bid shows 12-14 points and a balanced hand.
All you have to do is to answer Yes or No to these questions - meaning YES, this hand should be opened 1NT or NO, this hand should not be opened 1NT.
Easy enough? Let's go!
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Question 1

 A J 3
 K 7 6 3
 Q 5 2
 K 10 9
Q: 1 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Yes. The hand is perfectly balanced ( in shape) and has the right number of points (13 in this case). This is dead centre to open 1NT.

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Question 2

 A J 3
 K 7 6 3
 10 5 2
 K 10 9
Q: 2 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: No. The hand is perfectly balanced ( in shape) but has insufficient points (there are only 11). Here, you would Pass.

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Question 3

 A 9 3
 A Q 6 3
 Q 10 5 2
 K 9
Q: 3 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: No. The hand is balanced ( shape counts as balanced) but has too many points (there are 15). Here, you would actually open 1.

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Question 4

 A 9 3
 A 8 6 3
 J 10 5 2
 K 9
Q: 4 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Yes. The hand is balanced ( shape counts as balanced) and you have the right number of points (12 in this case).

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Question 5

 A 9 3 2
 A 8 6 3
 K 9 5 2
Q: 5 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: No. You have a shape, which is not a balanced hand. Your strength is right (13 points) but not the shape. In point of fact you would open 1.

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Question 6

 A 9
 A J 6 3
 Q 10 5 4 2
 K 9
Q: 6 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: No. The hand is not balanced ( hands count as being unbalanced). The strength is right (14 points) but the shape is not. Here you would open 1.

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Question 7

 A 9
 A J 3
 Q 10 5 4 2
 K 9 3
Q: 7 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Yes. The hand is balanced ( hands count as being balanced). The strength is right as well (14 points) so it is right to open 1NT. To be sure, opening 1 wouldn't be a great mistake but 1NT is definitely the superior call.

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Question 8

 A Q J 3
 K 7 6 3
 5 2
 K 10 9
Q: 8 - Would you open this hand with 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Yes. The hand is balanced ( in shape) and has the right number of points (13 in this case). This is right to open 1NT. Many players would blench at the fact that your Diamonds are so poor and they would have a good point. However, 1NT certainly makes partner's life easier than any alternative.

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