Vu-Bridge Quiz | Vu-Bridge === Play like a Champion!
Vu-Bridge | Play like a Champion!

Responding to 1NT with Game Forcing Unbalanced Hands by Andy Hung

In this quiz, we will be looking at how to respond to a 1NT opening bid with a game-forcing unbalanced hand. That is, jumping to 3, 3, 3, or 3 telling partner that you have 13+ points and a five-card suit.

Assume in all cases that 1NT is 12-14 points and a balanced hand.
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Question 1

 A Q 9 8 4
 K J 8 5
 K 7 4
Q: 1 - Here you are sitting South as responder, and partner opens 1NT. Do you want to bid? If so, what do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. This says that you have a five-card Heart suit and (at least) a game-going hand. Because of the unbalanced nature of your hand, you would much prefer to be in 4 if partner has support for you. If partner doesn't, then he can retreat to 3NT. Essentially, a 3 bid here is a "Choice of Games" - if partner has Heart support he will raise you to 4, and if partner has a doubleton Heart, he will go back to 3NT. He can't Pass!

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Question 2

 K Q 10 9 4
 5 2
 A J 6
 K 9 5
Q: 2 - Here you are sitting South as responder, and partner opens 1NT. What do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. Even with a balanced 5-3-3-2 shape (with a five-card Major), you should still search for a major suit game because it might still be possible for you to have a 5-4 fit. Additionally, you have two small Hearts so if partner were to raise your 3 to 4, you can feel pretty confident that it's where you belong.

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Question 3

 K Q 9 8 5
 Q 7 3
 Q 9 4 2
Q: 3 - Here you are sitting South as responder, and partner opens 1NT. Do you want to bid? If so, what do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 2. You are not strong enough to want to play in game, but you don't want to play in 1NT either. Your hand is much more orientated into playing in a Spade contract. A weakness take-out of 2 here doesn't always consist of hands that are total rubbish. Sometimes you are allowed to have a maximum.

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Question 4

 K 4
 K J 10 7 5 3
 A Q 8 3
Q: 4 - Here you are sitting South as responder, and partner opens 1NT. What do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 4. With 13 points, you know that the partnership has at least 25 points combined so you certainly have enough points to be in game. Furthermore, partner's 1NT opening promises a balanced hand so you are assured of an eight-card Heart fit (since partner must have at least a doubleton). In these cases you should just bid where you think you belong, and that's 4.

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Question 5

 A J
 A 6 3
 A J 9 8 6
 10 9 2
Q: 5 - Here you are sitting South as responder, and partner opens 1NT. What do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. With a five-card minor suit, you should just bid 3NT. The Diamonds will prove a useful source of tricks in 3NT but are unlikely to be a good enough trump suit to make 5. Nine tricks are easier to make than eleven and minor suit games are rare birds.

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Question 6

 J 8 5
 A Q 8
 Q 5
 A 10 5 3 2
Q: 6 - Here you are sitting South, and you are now the 1NT opener. What do you do over partner's response?

 Your choice:
A: 4. Partner's 3 bid means "I have a game-going hand with five-plus Hearts". Our duty is to raise partner with a fit, else we bid 3NT. Here, we have a nice fit for partner so we should tell him about our support with a 4 bid. Passing 3 would be a grave dereliction of duty. 3 is FORCING.

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Question 7

 A J
 K J 5
 Q 8 5 4
 K 9 8 5
Q: 7 - Here you are sitting South, and you are the 1NT opener. What do you do over partner's response?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. With only doubleton "support" for partner, you cannot raise him to 4 as that would suggest three or more cards in the suit. Partner knows that we must have a doubleton Spade so if 4 is the right spot he should be in a position to bid it. Passing 3 is verboten - partner would be furious.

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Question 8

 K 9 8
 K 8 5
 K 9 6 5
 A 7 2
Q: 8 - Here you are sitting South, and you are the 1NT opener. What do you do over partner's response?

 Your choice:
A: 4. Despite our 4-3-3-3 shape, we should still tell partner about our support. It's true that partner can have a balanced hand (well, 5-3-3-2), but what if he's unbalanced? If partner has something like A Q J 5 3 4 Q J 10 5 K 7 5 We will regret playing in 3NT when the opponents lead Hearts. Remember, if we bid 3NT we are pretty much denying support for partner. If we Pass 3 we'll be looking for a new partner.

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Question 9

 5 3 2
 K 10 7 6
 A J 4
 K Q 6
Q: 9 - Here you are sitting South, and you are the 1NT opener. What do you do over partner's response?

 Your choice:
A: 4. Partner is asking you a simple question: "Can you support my Spades?" Support in this case is three or more cards and you do have three cards in Spades, giving the partnership an eight-card fit. So you should raise to 4 to let partner know the happy news. 3NT would be selfish and always denies holding as many as three prospective trumps. Pass is unthinkable.

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Question 10

 A K 9 8 5
 A K 9 8 5
 5 4
Q: 10 - Here you are sitting South and back as the responder, and partner opens 1NT. What do you bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3. If partner rebids 3NT, denying a Spade fit, you can then follow it up with 4. With 5-5 shapes it is generally better to bid your suits downwards, allowing partner to make a choice. (If partner raises 3 to 4 then concealing your Hearts may turn out to be a good thing as the defenders will not know what your hand is).

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