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The Response of 1NT to an Opening Bid by Paul Bowyer

One of the most common responses to an opening bid is the "courtesy" response of 1NT. This bid is, if you like, an early warning to the opener, saying that the responder has enough to respond but is limited. In fact he has 6-9 points. In theory, the response also promises a balanced hand but this "rule" often buckles under the strain, as we shall see. Note that it is usually better to respond with a cheaper four-card suit if responder holds one so a 1NT response denies a four-card suit ranking between opener's suit and 1NT.
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Question 1

 8 5 3
 10 4
 A J 8 5
 Q 7 5 3
Q: 1 - Here you are responder. What do you reply to partner's opening bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1NT. An easy starter for you. This is a classic 1NT response, suggesting a balanced hand with an upper limit of 9 points. As the bid is a limit bid partner is in the box seat - it is up to him to place the final contract. He may even choose to Pass 1NT as the bid is not forcing.

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Question 2

 Q 7 5 3
 10 4
 A J 8 5
 8 5 3
Q: 2 - Here you are responder. What do you reply to partner's opening bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1. Since you have four Spades and 1 is a cheaper bid than 1NT that is the call you should prefer. True, this bid is forcing (opener cannot Pass 1) and gives no idea of your hand strength (you are unlimited). Nonetheless, it is important to try to find a trump fit if your side has one. If it is right to play in No-trumps partner can still bid them.

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Question 3

 7 5 3 2
 10 4
 A J 8 5
 Q 8 3
Q: 3 - Here you are responder. What do you reply to partner's opening bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1. Even though your Spades are appalling in strength the four-card length is the important factor. 1 is cheaper than 1NT and is therefore the better bid. If No-trumps is right you can still play there - partner will not Pass 1.

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Question 4

 7 5
 10 4
 A J 10 9 4 2
 Q 8 3
Q: 4 - Here you are responder. What do you reply to partner's opening bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1NT. Yes, you have lovely Diamonds. You don't, however, have enough to respond at the two-level. 2 would promise 10+ points and you simply don't have that. Rules are meant to be broken, you may say, but the rule that takes the strain in these cases is that the 1NT response shows a balanced hand. That "rule" is broken many times. However, it is important that you keep your two-level responses up to scratch.

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Question 5

 7 5
 K J 9 6 2
 Q 10 8 3 2
Q: 5 - Here you are responder. What do you reply to partner's opening bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1NT.All right, your hand pattern appears most unsuitable for No-trumps. Yes, you have a singleton Diamond. What, however, is the alternative response? Both 2 and 2 would promise (note that word!) 10+ points and you are some way short of that. You simply have to bid 1NT and hope the sun shines. (It is perfectly all right to cross your fingers as you make this bid but not so that partner can see you doing so...)

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Question 6

 A Q 10 6 5
 7 5 3
 A 10
 K 9 3
Q: 6 - Here you are the opening bidder. What do you do next after partner has responded 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Whenever partner makes a limit bid (and a 1NT response falls into that category) you should add up what you can see in front of your face to what partner has announced and come to a partnership total. Here, your 13 points added to 6-9 add up to 19-22 points. That suggests a part-score contract and - with an essentially balanced hand yourself - you should let the bidding die in 1NT. True, partner's 1NT response may be "manufactured" but there's nothing you can do about that. 2, by the way, would be an ill-judged rebid.

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Question 7

 A Q 10 6 5
 A 5 3
 A 10
 K 9 3
Q: 7 - Here you are the opening bidder. What do you do next after partner has responded 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: 2NT. Adding up what you can see (17 points) to partner's announced 6-9 you can calculate a partnership total of 23-26 points. Game (in the guise of 3NT) therefore depends on whether partner is minimum or maximum for his response. In these circumstances you must pass the buck and allow partner to decide. With a minimum (6-7 points) North will Pass, with 8-9 points North should advance to game.

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Question 8

 A Q 10 6 5
 5 3
 A 10
 K 9 3 2
Q: 8 - Here you are the opening bidder. What do you do next after partner has responded 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: 2. With two suits it is usually right to show both of them, provided you can bid the suits downwards. Here, we can safely try 2 and see what partner does. If he likes Clubs he can Pass (or even raise to 3). If he doesn't like them he can retreat to 2. This last bid is called giving preference and is a cry of weakness.

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Question 9

 A Q 10 6
 5 3
 A Q 10 6 5
 J 2
Q: 9 - Here you are the opening bidder. What do you do next after partner has responded 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Second choice - 2. Bidding 2 is wrong for a number of reasons. Firstly, partner has denied four Spades with his 1NT response (so you know you have no fit in that suit). Secondly, if partner loathes Spades he will have to give preference - but to do that he will have to hoist the bidding to the three-level by bidding 3. Do you really want to play in 3 with this modest hand facing 6 or 7 points? The best place to play an indifferent hand is 1NT so it may be best to table the dummy. However, given that partner does not have four Hearts nor four Spades, it is likely that he has two or three Diamonds. For that reason - consolation marks to 2.

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Question 10

 A Q 10 6 5
 Q 8
 3 2
 K Q 7 4
Q: 10 - Here you are the opening bidder. What do you do next after partner has responded 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. You have offered partner the choice between Spades and Clubs and, instead, he has chosen Diamonds. What else can he have but a weak hand (we know that already!) and long Diamonds? He could have Passed 2 with Clubs or put you back to 2 with something there but has chosen not to do so. Respect his bidding and let him play the hand.

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