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Responding to take-out Doubles by Paul Bowyer

The take-out Double is one of the most useful tools in bridge. However, like most tools, if misused it can go badly wrong. In this quiz we are putting you in the seat as "responder" to a take-out Double. What should you bid once partner has Doubled a bid by the opponents?
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Question 1

 J 9 7 6
 J 9 4 2
 A 5
 7 4 2
Q: 1 -

 Your choice:
A: 1. We hope this is an easy start to this quiz. Partner's Double asks (demands, requests) that you bid your best suit. So, what's the problem? You reply 1 to tell him that your best (OK, least bad) suit is Spades.

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Question 2

 K J 9 7 6
 10 9 4
 A 5
 Q 4 2
Q: 2 -

 Your choice:
A: 2. If you are going to bid 1 on the previous hand then you can't in all seriousness make the same bid on 10 points and a decent five-card suit. How can partner distinguish between the two hands? He can't. Jumping the bidding shows fair values but is not forcing - North can certainly Pass 2 if he doesn't care to advance.

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Question 3

 5 4 3 2
 7 6 5 3
 J 8 7
 4 3
Q: 3 -

 Your choice:
A: 1. Partner has a gun at your head and is asking (demanding) that you bid. It isn't your fault that you got dealt this plate of cheese but it is your responsibility to do something. "Something" is to bid your best suit - and here that's Spades. If partner raises to 4 then he's either got a mountain or he's an idiot.

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Question 4

 9 7 5
 K J 8 6
 A 6 3
 7 6 4
Q: 4 -

 Your choice:
A: 1NT. In general, partner does not want to hear you bid No-trumps. He has the other three suits and wants you to pick one of them. Well, with this hand you can't. 1NT does show something, though (try not to bid it on rubbish) and promises a decent Heart stop.

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Question 5

 Q J 10 9 7 6
 A 7 6 3
 9 5
Q: 5 -

 Your choice:
A: Pass. This is the only time that you Pass a take-out Double - when you have a "trump stack". Also, given that West (the opening bidder) is sitting over you, it is best if you have sequential trumps so that they are guaranteed to make tricks.

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Question 6

 J 10 5
 7 5 3 2
 9 8 4
 Q 4 2
Q: 6 -

 Your choice:
A: 1. Oh dear lord. What have we done to deserve this horror? Partner wants us to bid and we have nowhere to go. Passing, though is out of the question. HELP! Now, we are not allowed to squirm in our chairs, look longingly at the ceiling, look beseechingly at partner or throw the cards in the air and run out of the room. What we have to do is to bid 1 with a completely straight face and trust that the roof doesn't fall in. This is the stuff of nightmares but we guarantee it will happen to you sometime... Now do you see why you bid 2 on Hand 2?

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Question 7

 A Q 10 7 6
 A 7 6 4
 K 9 6
Q: 7 -

 Your choice:
A: 4. We have opening values values, partner has enough to bid (so should have opening values as well) and we have a fit. Partner has promised Spades with his takle-out Double remember. 1 would be a ridiculous call (how is partner to know you don't have Hand 6?), 2 would be inadequate and 3 would leave us hanging. Just bid what you think you can make. And that's 4.

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Question 8

 J 9 8 6
 Q 9 7 5 3 2
 K 5
Q: 8 -

 Your choice:
A: 1. Pass would be wrong. Don't gloat about your Heart length - look at the poor quality of the intermediate cards. West, sitting over you, may make as many as five trump tricks and so may easily make 1 Doubled. Best is to bid your four-card suit as you know there will be a fit there.

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Question 9

 K 9 7
 A Q 9
 Q J 9 5
 Q 10 7
Q: 9 -

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. We have the values (assume partner has an opening bid, which is what you expect) and we have a secure Heart stopper. Bidding Diamonds is pointless (3 would not be forcing - partner might easily Pass it). Bid what you think you can make.

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Question 10

 A J 7 6
 A Q 7 5
 A 6 5
 9 3
Q: 10 -

 Your choice:
A: 2. We have to play this hand in a game - but what game? Taking a shot at 4 or 4 is a guess - North might have three cards in one major and four in the other. We need to enlist partner's help and the way to do that is to bid the opponent's suit. 2 is FORCING and says "you choose, please". Whichever suit partner selects out of Hearts and Spades we can raise to game.

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