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Negative Doubles -- 2 For 1 Sale by Paul Bowyer

Your partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has chimed in also. You would like to bid a new suit but sometimes your bid would be promising five cards and (if going to the two-level) maybe more points than you have. You are grinding your teeth in frustration; what to do, what to do?

Well, happy days! We have a new tool for your armory, called the Negative Double. (Believe us, there is a Double for almost every occasion). Unlike its cousin the Take-out Double, the Negative Double is made as a Response to partner's opening bid. By contrast, a take-out Double is usually the first bid made by your partnership. A Negative Double advances your side's bidding after an overcall.
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Question 1

 8 7
 A Q 7 4
 9 7 2
 Q 9 5 3
Q: 1 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. This is exactly what a textbook Negative Double looks like. You have enough points to respond to your partner. You have four cards in the unbid major, which you would desperately like to bid, but cannot for lack of money and length in the suit. The Negative Double enables you to not only bid your four-card Heart suit but allows partner to show Clubs, which may fit your other four-card suit. Cool beans!!

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Question 2

 A Q 9 8 7
 7 4
 J 9 7 2
 J 9
Q: 2 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1. This is a trick question. Why would you bid anything but 1? People get a new toy and can't see anything else. You've got a great five-card suit and don't need the money to bid at the the two-level. Notice, please, that partner knows almost positively that you've got five spades. If you only had four, you'd probably make a negative double. He can support you with three cards in Spades. Yet another advantage to the Negative Double.

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Question 3

 A 8 7 6
 A 7 4 3
 9 7 2
 Q 3
Q: 3 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. Yet another classic Negative Double hand. You are showing an unlimited hand, and giving your partner a choice of majors. Truly a two-for-one sale.

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Question 4

 8 2
 A 9 7 4
 K 9 7 2
 A Q 9
Q: 4 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. Another classic Negative Double. Partner will know you have four Hearts; you aren't promising four Clubs.This hand belongs to you and your partner; your Negative Double lets North know the lie of the land. Most likely you belong in 3NT but it doesn't hurt to admire the scenery on the way.

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Question 5

 8 7 6 5
 K Q 4
 K J 2
 A J 3
Q: 5 - You are maybe getting a little complacent with these classic hands. Let's mix it up a little and challenge you to think it through carefully.
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. Bidding game directly is our favorite. You couldn't be faulted for Doubling to show four Spades, though. You woudn't be saying GOOD spades, you'd be saying four Spades. However, partner has opened the bidding, you will surely get a Heart lead for No-trumps and you indeed belong in game. This hand may provoke some discussion, and that's maybe a good thing; there's nothing in bridge three people agree on.Wouldn't it be nice if there were always a "right" answer?

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Question 6

 A 9 8 7 6
 Q 4
 Q 9 7 2
 3 2
Q: 6 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. With that empty Spade suit (and four Diamonds) what else could you bid? If it weren't for the Negative Double, you would either have to raise partner's Hearts with only two (grotesque!), or you could Pass. You don't have enough to bid 2 (which would promise AT LEAST 10 points and would hoist the auction to the three-level). Double has the advantage of keeping the bidding low and you out of trouble.

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Question 7

 J 7
 A J 10 3
 J 7 4 2
 K 9 5
Q: 7 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has overcalled. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: 1. This doesn't promise five cards in this situation. (Contrast this with 1/1 - 1 overcall - 1 which does promise five cards in Spades). Here a Double promises both majors - when you bid one of them you are only showing that you have a four-card suit.

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Question 8

 8 7
 K Q J 7 6 3
 9 7 2
 5 3
Q: 8 -

 Your choice:
A: Pass. Second choice: No Bid. A terrible mistake that less experienced players make is to get into the auction when they have length and strength in the opponent's suit. And it happens more than you think. You can't support partner's Diamonds, 1NT is just the wrong thing to do (how will you ever reach your hand?) and partner can be blocked from getting to your potential Heart winners if he becomes declarer. This is when you sit there, stare into space and pretend you're not paying attention. It's an art form you should practise.

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Question 9

 K 9 5 3
 8 6 2
 K 10 8
 A 6 4
Q: 9 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has made a weak jump overcall. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. If you can't Double for take-out here (classically promising four Spades) what could you bid? Pass? Negative Doubles apply over weak jumps as well as over simple overcalls.

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Question 10

 K J 9 4
 5 3
 A 10 8 2
 K 7 6
Q: 10 -
You are responder after partner has opened the bidding and your right-hand opponent has made a pre-emptive double jump overcall. What is your next bid?

 Your choice:
A: Double. Negative Doubles apply at high levels (how high? Well, that's for you and your partner to agree on). Certainly they apply at the three-level after a nasty opponent has stuck in a pre-emptive bid. Double shows this type of hand - a desire to bid but no long suit and (crucially) four cards in the unbid major. Partner is in charge of matters now.

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